Invariant Testing Bonding Curve


This tutorial will cover invariant testing, using Bonding Curve Implementation as a target example. All invariant tests are written in Solidity using the Foundry Invaraint Testing feature.

However, this guide is for educational purposes only. The code is not audited. Please do not use it in production.

💡 Note: A full implementation of the bonding curve can be found here, and for further reading about invariant testing, we can check out the Invariant Testing reference.

Quick Start

The general process of invariant testing is that the foundry will call a sequence of pre-defined actions with random input in the target contract.

This will be run multiple times to ensure the correctness of invariants.

💡 Note: The process of making an action call with random input is called fuzzing.

💡 Note: The number of times that a sequence of function calls is generated and run is called run.

After each single run, the system will be checked to see whether the defined invariants hold true or not.

The key consderation is to define these:

  1. Invariants (a set of properties that will always remain true)

  2. Actions (a set of things that can happen during each run)

To get started, we are going to focus on the following directories in this repository:

├── Makefile
├── foundry.toml
└── test
    ├── invariant

In this guide, we can run the fuzzing campagin by running the following command:

make invariant-LinearBondingCurve

💡 Note: Other commands for this tutorial can be found in Makefile.

I note that the default configuration (at foundry.toml) for invariant testing is as follows:

runs          = 1000    # The number of times to run the invariant tests
depth         = 100   # The number of random action calls to make in the invariant tests
fail_on_revert = false

Define Invariants

To specify invariants, we need to build the mental model of thinking about the incorrect states that could possibly be reached.

💡 Note: An invariant is a term for a logical assertion about something (a contract in our case) that is always true.

There are two kinds of invariants we can define, including:

  1. Function-level invariants
  • They should be stateless, or it does not depend on much of our target system.
  • They could be tested in an isolated manner.

💡 Note: The notable example could be depositing tokens into the contract.

  1. System-level invariants
  • They should be stateful, or it relies on the smart contract state.
  • They depend on much of the entire system and its relevant deployment logic.

💡 Note: For example, the system-level invariant for ERC20 is that the total number of ERC20 tokens is always equal to or greater than the sum of the individual ERC 20 token balances of all token holders.

Define System-level Invariants

In our case, our state variables (found in BondingCurve.sol) used to define invariants are:

    /** ... */
    abstract contract BondingCurve is IBondingCurve, Initializable, Pausable, Ownable2Step, Timed {
        /** ... */
        * @notice the total amount of sale token purchased on bonding curve
        UD60x18 public override totalPurchased;

        * @notice the cap on how much sale token can be minted by the bonding curve
        UD60x18 public override cap;

        * @notice returns how close to the cap we are
        function availableToSell() public view override returns (UD60x18) {
            return cap.sub(totalPurchased);

        * @notice balance of accepted token the bonding curve
        * @return the amount of accepted token held in contract and ready to be allocated
        function reserveBalance() public view virtual override returns (UD60x18) {
            return ud(acceptedToken.balanceOf(address(this)));

    /** ... */


Then, we could specify and write assertions in LinearBondingCurve.invariants.t.sol as follows:

  1. Invariant 1: totalPurchased + avalableToSell = cap

    function invariant_totalPurchasedPlusAvalableToSell_eq_cap() public {

  1. Invariant 2: avalableToSell >= 0

    function invariant_AvalableToSell_gt_zero() public {
        assertGt(unwrap(linearBondingCurve.availableToSell()), 0);

  1. Invariant 3: availableToSell = amount of ERC20 token amount in bonding curve contract
    function invariant_AvalableToSell_eq_saleTokenBalance() public {
        assertEq(unwrap(linearBondingCurve.availableToSell()), IERC20(saleToken).balanceOf(address(linearBondingCurve)));
  1. Invariant 4: Poolbalance = y = f(x = currentTokenPurchased) = slope/2 * (currentTokenPurchased)^2 + initialPrice * (currentTokenPurchased)
    function invariant_Poolbalance_eq_saleTokenBalance() public {
        UD60x18 acceptedTokenSupply = ud(IERC20(acceptedToken).balanceOf(address(linearBondingCurve)));

Defining Action Logics and Function-level Invariants

Ok !! We have defined some system-level invariants. The next step is then to specify how the action and the sequence of relevant transactions should be performed to break the defined invariants.

The high-level contents to explore is in LinearBondingCurve.invariants.t.sol, and the configuration is at setup() as follows:

import {InvariantOwner} from "./handlers/Owner.sol";
import {InvariantBuyerManager} from "./handlers/Buyer.sol";
import {Warper} from "./handlers/Warper.sol";

contract LinearBondingCurveInvariants is StdInvariant, Test, ConstantsFixture, DeploymentLinearBondingCurve {
    InvariantOwner internal _owner;
    InvariantBuyerManager internal _buyerManager;
    Warper internal _warper;

    /** ... */

        function setUp() public override {
            /** ... */
            _buyerManager =
                new InvariantBuyerManager(address(linearBondingCurve), address(acceptedToken),  address(saleToken) );
            _warper = new Warper(address(linearBondingCurve));
            _owner = new InvariantOwner(address(linearBondingCurve), address(acceptedToken), address(saleToken), staticTime);

            /** ... */


            bytes4[] memory selectors = new bytes4[](1);
            selectors[0] = InvariantBuyerManager.purchase.selector;

            // Performs random purchase() calls
            targetSelector(FuzzSelector({addr: address(_buyerManager), selectors: selectors}));

            selectors[0] = Warper.warp.selector;
            // Performs random warps forward in time
            targetSelector(FuzzSelector({addr: address(_warper), selectors: selectors}));

            selectors[0] = InvariantOwner.allocate.selector;
            // Performs random allocate() calls
            targetSelector(FuzzSelector({addr: address(_owner), selectors: selectors}));

    /** ... */

To sum up, we perform random purchase() calls, random warps forward in time, and random allocate() calls.

This is set up via Invariant Test Helper Functions (including targetContract(address newTargetedContract_) and targetSelector(FuzzSelector memory newTargetedSelector_) ).

💡 Note: More details are outlined in the Invariant Test Helper Functions section of the foundry documentation

We can think of Foundry Fuzzer as an externally owned account and of Handler as a smart contract wrapper, including a set of actions that interact with our target contract.

These handlers are specified in handler files located in test/invariant/handlers as follows:

  1. Buyer.sol : perform random purchase()

We can think of this set of smart contracts as having external stakeholder properties. In general, we want a fuzzer to generate a number of buyers. Now, we define InvariantBuyerManager as follows.

It can be seen that createBuyer() is called at our setup() so that we have one buyer (InvariantBuyer) generated from InvariantBuyerManager.

contract InvariantBuyerManager is Test {

    /** ... */

    InvariantBuyer[] public buyers;

    /** ... */

    function createBuyer() external {
        InvariantBuyer buyer = new InvariantBuyer(_bondingCurve, _underlyingAcceptedToken, _underlyingSaleToken);

    /** ... */


Then, those generated buyers (InvariantBuyer) are supposed to purchase the token from the bonding curve. Now, we are going to write the function-level invariants.

In particular, we want to ensure that both balance states of external smart contracts (ERC20 tokens in our case) are correctly updated after each purchase. The implement is as follows:

/** ... */

contract InvariantBuyer is Test {
    LinearBondingCurve internal _bondingCurve;
    MockERC20 internal _underlyingAcceptedToken;
    MockERC20 internal _underlyingSaleToken;

    constructor(address bondingCurve_, address underlyingBuyToken_, address underlyingSaleToken_) {
        _bondingCurve = LinearBondingCurve(bondingCurve_);
        _underlyingAcceptedToken = MockERC20(underlyingBuyToken_);
        _underlyingSaleToken = MockERC20(underlyingSaleToken_);

    function purchase(uint256 amount_) external {
        amount_ = bound(amount_, 1, 1e29); // 100 billion at WAD precision
        uint256 startingBuyBalance = _underlyingAcceptedToken.balanceOf(address(this));
        uint256 startingSaleBalance = _underlyingSaleToken.balanceOf(address(this));
        uint256 saleAmountOut = unwrap(_bondingCurve.calculatePurchaseAmountOut(ud(amount_)));
        deal({token: address(_underlyingAcceptedToken), to: address(this), give: amount_});
        _underlyingAcceptedToken.approve(address(_bondingCurve), amount_);
        _bondingCurve.purchase(address(this), amount_);
        // Ensure successful purchase
        assertEq(_underlyingAcceptedToken.balanceOf(address(this)), startingBuyBalance - amount_);
        assertEq(_underlyingSaleToken.balanceOf(address(this)), startingSaleBalance + saleAmountOut);

/** ... */

  1. Owner.sol : perform random allocate()

Again, we ensure that the balance state of an external contract (acceptable tokens ) is correctly updated after the token is allocated to the issuer. The implementation is as follows:

/** ... */

contract InvariantOwner is Test {

    /** ... */

    function allocate(uint256 amount_) external countCall("allocate") {
        vm.warp(staticTime + 3 weeks);
        amount_ = bound(amount_, 0, _underlyingAcceptedToken.balanceOf(address(_bondingCurve)));
        uint256 startingBuyBalance = _underlyingAcceptedToken.balanceOf(address(this));
        _bondingCurve.allocate(amount_, address(this));
        assertEq(_underlyingAcceptedToken.balanceOf(address(this)), startingBuyBalance + amount_);

    /** ... */


/** ... */

  1. Warper.sol : perform random warps forward in time.

As this system involves time- dependent logics, the issuer cannot allocate tokens if the selling period has not ended. This means that random allocate() would always be reverted without the warps handler.

For this, we use Foundry's cheat code( vm.warp(uint256) ) to deal with it.

/** ... */

contract Warper is CommonBase, StdCheats, StdUtils {

    /** ... */

    function warp(uint256 warpTime_) external countCall("warp") {
        vm.warp(block.timestamp + bound(warpTime_, 2 weeks, 3 weeks));

    /** ... */


/** ... */

Exploring more !!!

💡 Note: We acknowledge, use, and get inspiration from the projects PaulRBerg/prb-math and maple-labs/revenue-distribution-token.

💡 Reference: We also acknowledge the insightfuls technial writing: Invariant Testing WETH With Foundry and Invariant Testing — Enter The Matrix